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Below you can find updates on my projects, workshops and training.
I am also a founding member of the Prairie Puppet Underground, providing workshops and training to people in Regina.
Please visit to find out more.
Set Design for Theatre Howl

Set Design for Theatre Howl

Mostly set design, and a little bit of shadow puppetry as well for the show Aiden Flynn Lost His Brother So He Makes Another. Theatre Howl was part of the 2015/2016 LiveFive season in Saskatoon, SK.

2nd Festival Kick Off!

2nd Festival Kick Off!

2nd International Puppet Underground Film Festival Plus. Here with the amazing Prairie Puppet Underground crew. Left to Right: myself (Rowan Pantel), Kenn Mcelod, Berny Hi, and Chrystene Ells.

The Kroupies

The Kroupies

Fantastic week working with Jim Kroupa and all the other Kroupies for The Howdy-Do Show. Great time at the 2015 National Puppetry Conference this year at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center.



Rehearsal for Sit By My Side with Leah Ogawa.

Sit By My Side - O'Neill 2015

Sit By My Side - O'Neill 2015

Written by : Rowan Pantel Performed by: Leah Ogawa (left), Rowan Pantel (right), Gina Botello (not shown) Directed by : Gina Botello Puppet Construction: Kenn Mcleod, and Rowan Pantel Photo credit: Richard Termine

Sit By My Side

Sit By My Side

The wonderful accompaniment of Melissa Dunphy.

So much work to get that lip syncing down. Rehearsal for Jim Kroupa's The Howdy-Do Show. Thanks to Lex Rudd for being my partner for this act. Photo credit: Richard Termine

Prairie Puppet Underground

Prairie Puppet Underground

From Left to Right: Berny Hi, Chrystene Ells, Kenn McLeod and Rowan Pantel. Photo Credit: Sean Dennie Taken at the 2015 International Fesitval of Animated Objects in Calgary, AB.

Fade to Grey - 2015

Fade to Grey - 2015

Mrs. Grey from my new film "Fade to Grey". Feb 2015.

Film Day

Film Day

On set with Mrs. Grey for new film.

Setting it up! On Set with Berny Hi for my new film "Fade to Grey". Feb 2015.

Fade to Grey set.

O'Neill 2014

O'Neill 2014

Puppet sets in the workshop. Helping out Alex Griffin for his

Marionette Construction

Marionette Construction

An unbelievable week in the workshop at the 2014 O'Neill Puppetry Conference. Learned how to build from Jim Rose, and Philip Huber helped the group learn how to walk ;-)

O'Neill 2014

O'Neill 2014

Trying to figure out marionette posture with the very patient and kind Philip Huber.

Mike & The Goose

Grandpa Mike with Little Mike

Grandpa Mike with Little Mike

My first adventures in puppetry! Mike & the Goose is based off of the true childhood story of my Grandpa Mike. Created as part of "This Big World", 3D Puppet Film Workshop – Lead by Chrystene Ells. Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative. Regina, SK

Banff Puppeteers

Banff Puppeteers

Banff Puppetry Intensive in Jan 2014, with Peter Balkwill & Juanita Dawn, the Old Trout Puppet Workshop

Banff 2014

Banff 2014

The soon to be Headless Girl is ready for her entrance.

Banff Intensive 2014

Banff Intensive 2014

Banff Final Performance

Banff Final Performance

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